Participating Heroes through the years!!
The art of Jaroslaw Jasnikowski (www.jaroslawjasnikowski.pl/)
The Steam Volounteers (Ångvolontärerna)
Nifelfang (www.nifelfang.se/)
LuxArtis Sweden (www.facebook.com/LuxArtisSverige/)
Tingxa Design (www.facebook.com/TingxaDesign)
Sofrans Imaginarium Design (m.facebook.com/sofrans.imaginarium.design)
Sibbarparn (www.instagram.com/sibbarparn)
Billy O´Shea - Kingdom of Clockwork (www.blackswan.dk)
Bard & Jester (www.bardjester.com)
Hans & the Mechanical Workshop Crew.
Sandra Hultsved (www.sandrahultsved.com)
Sara Burchill (www.sarahburchill.com)
Entomechanic (www.facebook.com/entomechanic)
Varietésällskapet Karneval (www.varietekarneval.se)
Patrik Grobheizer
Richard Andersson
Maria och Idde Schrewelius
Robin Lönnfors
Eva Nilsson
Markus Fernström
Henrik Pilerud
Anna Vikmanis
Cheyenne Olander
Christopher Rosendrake
Robin Hedlund
Oscar Enochsson
Calle & Shakila
Lars Lykta
Sofia Örn Tengstrand
Historiska Kompaniet (www.historiskakompaniet.se)
Imperial Fiddlesticks Emporium (www.imperialfiddlesticks.com)
Stinpunk & Charlgoth´s Emporium of Amazing Paraphernalia
A-Lind (www.a-lind.se/)
The Peacocks (Påfåglarna) (www.facebook.com/Pafaglarna/)
Circle Tribe (www.circletribe.wordpress.com/)
The Personel of Eskilstuna Citymuseum
The Munktell museum (www.munktellmuseet.com)
Eskilstuna Ölkultur (www.eskilstunaolkultur.se/)
Sparbanksstiftelsen Rekarne
Andy Fraser (Andys Facebook page)
Robin "Robin Hood" Larsson
Kim Blomqvist (www.instagram.com/kimjblomqvist/)
Andreas Samuelsson (www.instagram.com/akapov)
Author Linn Åslund (www.instagram.com/linn_aslund_forfattare)
SweBrick!! (www.swebrick.se)
Jonas Källman (www.kallman.info)
Mytomsydd (www.mytomsydd.se)
Sodom & Good mornin´ (www.facebook.com/Sodomgomorron)
The Ground Crew - The volunteers are the Real Heroes of SilwerSteam!
Nicklas & Anna Silwerulv (www.historiskaevent.com)
All information below is about earlier SilwerSteam´s...
Info about our talented craftsmen and artisans, mad inventors, artists and everybody else that will contribute to make SilwerSteam fantastic. This list gets updated all along as more Heroes gets involved...
If you too want to be getting involved, why don´t you head over to the Contact page at the bottom and send us a message!!

Historiska kompaniet
Molle & Ludvig delivers everything possible - the impossible they have a slight delivery time for...

DJ Prohibition
The man behind the mask is Swedish musician Erik Ask-Upmark, vintage gramophone DJ and deliverer of "retrotainment lectures"...

Craftsmanship - like it used to be.
Simply put, a genius within his craft, and altogether a really decent guy with an awesome "Steampunky" mustache!

Imperial Fiddlesticks Emporium
Miniature hats, Corsages and other Frivolities. Each and all gorgeous in the extreme!

Building an army of entomechanical insects to take over the world. Steam madness or mechanical genius? Definitively fantastical in any way!!

Agneta Lind - designer, inventor and creative mastermind behind accessories, jewelry, clothes and furnishing made from everything new and old!

Handelsgillet, goes Circus Alm
When Handelsgillet lets lose their “Steampunkiness”, they go Circus Alm! Awesome hats, historical patterns, and who-knows-what...

Stinpunk and Charlgoth's Emporium of Amazing Paraphernalia
Two stupendous, steampunk-loving sisters who create steampunk-inspired paraphernalia such as jewelry, sculptures, keepsakes and more...

Bard & Jester
From Finland, we present the extraordinarily talented team of leather craftsmen from Bard & Jester with a gifted eye for Steampunkyness, and their Designer and Master of Ceremony Jani...

Det Gamla Tryckeriet
Want to see a printing press from the turn of the century in action? Then head over to SilwerSteam, because The Old Printing ain't something you would like to miss!

Påfåglarna - The Peacocks
A burlesque fusion dancing group with attitude, humor and a couple of doses of twinkle-in-the-eye!

Old Number One
The Society for Förstlingen, Swedens first manufactured steam locomotive will be showing off their marvelous reconstructed machine!

This is the society that keeps all the marvelous steam engines in the City Museum running! If your heart's desire is to be a Steampunk mechanic, then look no further, for with these fellows you can!

Circle Tribe
A passionate dance group that really will enrich SilwerSteam with performances based on fusion and American Tribal Style Bellydance...

The Wind Orchestra
This 30 musicians strong brass-band from Volvo will give a peak at 19th-century music and what the sound of Steampunk might be...

Pilerud's Cosplay
Steampunk and Cosplay can fit like a hand in a glove, and is it anyone that proves that beyond any doubt it is definitely Henrik Pilerud, lecturer and SilwerSteam ambassador!

Arty Anna Cosplay
Another of our talented ambassadors. Anna will definitely bring us a touch of cosplay glamour and serious tea duelling skills...

Why Not Theatre Company
A professional theater company from Denmark. Allways inspires emotion and often thought-provoking. At SilwerSteam they will let us get up close and personal with Mr. Tesla himself!​

J.T. Munktell / Ralph Angestam
It's our great honor that Ralph Angestam helped us at the early SilwerSteam´s. Not only was he a former museum director and historical expert, he was also an enthustiastical speaker and a really inspiring person.
R.I.P. Ralph Angestam

Montague Jacques Fromage/SteampunkFunk Bizzare
Steampunk/Victorian rap artist, model, actor, duelist, and foremost, entertainer extraordinaire!

Mechanical Workshop Crew
This crew must be the inspiration for The Cog is Dead's "Burn it Down", but to be honest, their boss Nils is rather nice, and these cool guys are all really cheerful and knowledgeable museum technicians...

Calle & Shakila - Team Teapot Racing
Organizers of the Splendid Teapot Racing at SilwerSteam (by the way, hats of to the inventor Countess Simona), who will make sure all participants and onlookers will have a splendid time indeed!
Calle & Shakila

Cheyenne Olander, SilwerSteam ambassador
It's our pride and joy to call Cheyenne our friend, and it is fantastic to get her to meet you all at SilwerSteam as one of our marvelous ambassadors!

Author Billy O´Shea
Meet the extraordinary talented author of Kingdom of Clockworks, Billy O´Shea. IF you by any chance haven't read his works yet, you would do yourself no favor if you didn't pick up his novels at SilwerSteam!

Virtual Reality Airship trip
Experience the thrill of being aboard an airship yourself by trying out the Virtual Reality Experience presented by Chris O´Shea with the help of Oculus Rift. Come on! Even the name of those tech goggles sounds Steampunk in extreme! Did we mentioned it was a free ride with almost no chance of fatal accidents?!

Eskilstuna Ölkultur, aka SilwerSteam's Steam Pub!
Friendly hosts, awesome copper kettles, good food and beer, AND, we got it all to ourseves! Eskilstunas famous and award winning micro brewery will be the hub for our evening get togethers. Welcome to our Steampub!

Lars Lykta
Theatrical director and historical know-it-all (almost!). With his flair and joyful approach, we can't help to resemble him to a really nice P.T. Barnum...

Anna & Nicklas
Organizers of SilwerSteam, enthusiasts of all things creative, and of course, entirely bonkers. But then again, as Alice said -All the best people are...

So, Who´s next??
Send us a message in a bottle, a carrion pidgeon (preferably armoured to avoid poachers!) or just an Email if you are a conservatist...