We where just going to take Steampunk photos in the lovely spring su.. eh? Oh frak!
Sometimes things doesn't turn out as you expect them to do....

So, we had planned for a photo shoot for our Steampunk festival SilwerSteam. The weather was sunny and we had actually found the first spring flowers the day before. Our models and creative designers of their own costumes, Andrea Ottosson and Robin Larsson had left their dog i Stockholm with Andrea's parents to get spoiled for a week. So everything ready to go, or so we thought...
When I woke up my kids where all exited. -Daddy! Look out the window! It's winter again!!
-Oh frak...
So much for showing you all how wonderful Sweden can look in spring.
Well, no reason to cry for spilled milk as we say, extra warm winter clothes on and down to Vasteras city to get at it. (Yep, it's pronounced Westeros, and yes, we Really live there, are anyone really surprised about our weather fortune? After all, we have all heard it a long time now, -Winter is coming!) (But never fear, we saw no white walkers. Today...)
When I met Andrea and Robin they where already in their Steampunk outfits and where, of course, surrounded by onlookers who showed their kids and aunts forward for a snapshot!
And no wonder at that! They had designed a pair of costumes for a Steampunk version of Robin Hood and Maid Marion (or was it Assassins Creed Steampunk Edition? ). Here are some closeups of their equipment.

So, we traveled through snow and hardships to bring this photo shoot to life. At least we could take heart in the fact that there is no chance of snow in September when our festival is bound to be. (Boy, will I be forced to eat those words if there is a single snow flake to be seen...)
As a matter of fact we weren't the only ones who expected spring weather. Up at the city castle, a ladybug landed on Robins arrow...
All in all we had a great Steampunk day. We took about 900 pictures (which we look forward to show you at our web page's Photo Album, at our Pinterest board, our Google + and our Flickr site)
A heartfelt thanks to Andrea and Robin who stood by their word to help us out, come rain or snow, and a big Wow! to the awesomeness of their clothes and equipment. No wonder that they are the genius artisans behind the Imperial Fiddlesticks Emporium. Why don't you check out their store? Andrea makes The most lovely hats for example! On the other hand you can of course meet them in person at SilwerSteam as a pair of our ambassadors!

See you at next Blog post and/or at SilwerSteam - Nordic Steampunk Faire 2017!!